Armed with the knowledge of IR and Type from last time , we can finally write some code:

fn lower(
  ast: Ast<TypedVar>, 
  scheme: ast::TypeScheme
) -> (IR, Type) {
  let (ir_ty, types) = lower_ty_scheme(scheme);


One line down. That’s great progress (especially compared to last post)!

Refresher on Base AST

It’s been awhile since we worked with our base typechecker. I don’t really remember what all was in there, so let’s go over it to get back up to speed.

Recall that our base AST is:

enum Ast<V> {
  /// A local variable
  /// An integer literal
  /// A function literal 
  /// (lambda, closure, etc.)
  Fun(V, Box<Self>),
  /// Function application
  App(Box<Self>, Box<Self>), 

Where our V generic is the type of variables. It starts out as Var:

struct Var(usize);

By the end of type checking, we’ve graduated it to TypedVar:

struct TypedVar(Var, Type);

Naturally, our next question is “What’s Type?”:

struct TypeVar(u32);
enum Type {
  // A type variable
  // Type of integers
  // Type of functions
  Fun(Box<Self>, Box<Self>),

Alongside the Ast<TypedVar>, lower also takes the TypeScheme produced by typechecking. The TypeScheme binds all the unsolved type variables that appear in our typed AST:

struct TypeScheme {
  unbound: BTreeSet<TypeVar>,
  ty: Type,

With that we know everything we’ll see from the typechecker, back to lowering.

Lowering Type Schemes Link to heading

The first step in lowering is to lower our TypeScheme. We start with the TypeScheme because it informs how we lower types. Types show up both in the TypeScheme itself and the Ast, so until we know how to lower types we can’t lower our Ast. lower_ty_scheme’s signature is:

fn lower_ty_scheme(
  scheme: ast::TypeScheme
) -> (Type, LowerTypes) {

lower_ty_scheme starts by handling bound type variables. Recall that our type scheme tracks all the generalized type variables that appear in our AST’s type. The type scheme is the only place these type variables can be introduced. Each of these AST TypeVars becomes an IR TypeVar bound by a TyFun node which means we have to convert from AST TypeVar to DeBruijn Indices.

Fortunately, this is straightforward. Our type scheme has all the type variables we’re ever going to see and in the order we’re going to see them. We convert them to DeBruijn Indices once, and we know that will work for every type we need to lower in Ast:

let ty_env = scheme
  .map(|(i, tyvar)| (tyvar, TypeVar(i)))

For each type variable in scheme.unbound, we grab its index and use that as our DeBruijn Index. Importantly, we do this in reverse order. The output of this is ty_env, a HashMap<ast::TypeVar, TypeVar>. If we have a type scheme:

let a = TypeVar(4);
let b = TypeVar(23);
let c = TypeVar(149);
let foo = TypeScheme {
  unbound: btree_set![a, b, c],
  ty: Type::fun(Type::Var(a), Type::fun(Type::Var(b), Type::Var(c)))

Our type env will be:

// Excuse the made up `hash_map!` macro.
let ty_env = hash_map![
  a: TypeVar(2),
  b: TypeVar(1),
  c: TypeVar(0)

Remember that because DeBruijn Indices count how many TyFuns we skip over, a gets TypeVar(2) not TypeVar(0). This is why we reverse scheme.unbound when constructing ty_env. Back in lower_ty_scheme, we use ty_env to lower the type field of our TypeScheme.

let lower = LowerTypes { env: ty_env };
let lower_ty = lower.lower_ty(scheme.ty);

LowerTypes is a helper struct to hold our type environment while we recurse over a type:

struct LowerTypes {
  env: HashMap<ast::TypeVar, TypeVar>,

It defines one method lower_ty which is so short we don’t even need to break it up:

impl LowerTypes {
  fn lower_ty(&self, ty: ast::Type) -> Type {
    match ty {
      ast::Type::Int => Type::Int,
      ast::Type::Var(v) => Type::Var(self.env[&v]),
      ast::Type::Fun(arg, ret) => {
        let arg = self.lower_ty(*arg);
        let ret = self.lower_ty(*ret);
        Type::fun(arg, ret)

self.env[&v] could panic if it encounters a v absent from env. We’re okay with panicking, but if we wanted to be more graceful we’d use get and call expect to provide a nice error message. If we ever do panic, we have a type containing a variable not listed in scheme.unbound. That’s a compiler bug.

Note lower_ty never produces a Type::TyFun. ast::Type can’t ever introduce a type variable, so it never needs to bind a type variable with TyFun. As we know, type variables are only introduced by TypeScheme.

Leaving us with one final task in lower_ty_scheme: introduce TyFuns for our type variables.

let bound_lower_ty = 
    .fold(lower_ty, |ty, _| Type::ty_fun(Kind::Type, ty));

For each type variable bound by our type scheme, we wrap lower_ty in a TyFun. In our AST, we distinguish between ast::TypeScheme and ast::Type. As we can see, that distinction disappears in lowering. Both ast::TypeScheme and ast::Type turn into IR Type. As an example, lowering our foo type scheme produces IR type:

    Fun(TypeVar(1), TypeVar(0)))))))

A TyFun for each variable in foo.unbound, and our TypeVar’s have been converted to DeBruijn Indices. Putting it all together, our lower_ty_scheme is:

fn lower_ty_scheme(scheme: ast::TypeScheme) -> (Type, LowerTypes) {
  let ty_env = scheme
    .map(|(i, tyvar)| (tyvar, TypeVar(i)))

  let lower = LowerTypes { env: ty_env };
  let lower_ty = lower.lower_ty(scheme.ty);
  let bound_lower_ty = (0..lower.env.len()).fold(lower_ty, |ty, _| {
    Type::ty_fun(Kind::Type, ty)
  (bound_lower_ty, lower)

Time to add another line to lower:

fn lower(ast: Ast<TypedVar>, scheme: ast::TypeScheme) -> (IR, Type) {
  let (ir_ty, types) = lower_ty_scheme(scheme);

  // New!
  let mut lower_ast = LowerAst {
    supply: VarSupply::default(),
  let ir = lower_ast.lower_ast(ast);

We got a couple lines this time. Oh, boy!

Lowering Ast Link to heading

LowerAst shares a purpose with LowerTypes:

struct LowerAst {
  supply: VarSupply,
  types: LowerTypes,

It holds state for the recursive AST functions we’re going to write. VarSupply exists to map AST variables into IR variables and generate new IR variables. Its internals are uninteresting but can be found in the full code . Suffice to say, it supports one method:

impl VarSupply {
  fn supply_for(&mut self, var: ast::Var) -> VarId {
    // boring...

supply_for caches internally. If we pass the same ast::Var, we receive the same VarId. Moving on, LowerAst supports one method lower_ast:

impl LowerAst {
  fn lower_ast(&mut self, ast: Ast<TypedVar>) -> IR {
    match ast {

We’re well versed in this pattern by now. Match on the ast and produce an IR term for each case. First up is variables:

Ast::Var(TypedVar(var, ty)) => IR::Var(Var::new(,

A TypedVar turns into an IR Var. Thanks to all that code we wrote earlier converting is very easy. We convert our ast::Var into a Var using VarSupply and lower our ast::Type using LowerTypes. Because self.types uses the same ty_env as in lower_ty_scheme, we can be confident it will lower types equivalently.

Ast::Int(i) => IR::Int(i),

Once again Int holds us down by being a consistent freebie. Fun isn’t much more complicated:

Ast::Fun(TypedVar(var, ty), body) => {
  let ir_ty = self.types.lower_ty(ty);
  let ir_var =;
  let ir_body = self.lower_ast(*body);
  IR::fun(Var::new(ir_var, ir_ty), ir_body)

More code, but there are no surprises here. We deconstruct our Fun node, lower all its parts, and recombine them into an IR Fun. Last but not least, App:

Ast::App(fun, arg) => {
  let ir_fun = self.lower_ast(*fun);
  let ir_arg = self.lower_ast(*arg);
  IR::app(ir_fun, ir_arg)

Straightforward again, we lower our part and recombine them into an IR App.

It feels almost like we’ve done nothing at all. Each of our cases turns an AST node into an IR node of the same name. This is rooted in our AST being lambda calculus and our IR being System F. Translating the lambda calculus into System F, a superset of the lambda calculus, requires little work.

Lowering Totality Link to heading

With lower_ast complete, we return to lower. One task remains. Just as we wrapped our lowered type in TyFun nodes, we have to wrap our lowered Ast in TyFun nodes:

fn lower(ast: Ast<TypedVar>, scheme: ast::TypeScheme) -> (IR, Type) {
  let (ir_ty, types) = lower_ty_scheme(scheme);
  let mut lower_ast = LowerAst {
    supply: VarSupply::default(),
  let ir = lower_ast.lower_ast(ast);

  // New!
  let bound_ir = 
      .fold(ir, |ir, _| IR::ty_fun(Kind::Type, ir));
  (bound_ir, ir_ty)

The most important section of lowering resides in this innocuous bit of code. Terms in the AST have no concept of types. They show up purely in type schemes and types. In our IR, by contrast, we have a term that binds types at the term level.

The consequences of representing types in our term are far-reaching. If an optimization removes ty_funs from a term, we know we’re removing polymorphism. If we see a term with no ty_fun, we know that term can’t be generic. Determining where polymorphism resides is instrumental to monomorphization and emitting machine code. Two passes we’ll visit before completing our simple compiler.

Our lower function now translates our implicitly typed AST into our explicitly typed IR. Lowering may look ceremonial here, but rest assured it will get more interesting as we add more features from our fancier type checkers . Even without fancy features, we’ve taken another step towards completing our compiler.