We’ve been in type checking so long it’s becoming a tar pit deep enough to rival picking a parser. Our only hope of escape is to delve deeper, lest we find ourselves fretting over the endlessly enticing type checker features available to adjoin. We’re always free to return to our type checker older and wiser. But this series is called making a language, not type check until our motivation evaporates.

Fortunately delving deeper is exactly what our next compiler pass is all about: Lowering. Lowering is the process of converting our typed AST into an intermediate representation (IR). It marks a fundamental shift in our compiler from frontend to backend.

Lowering Link to heading

The AST used in the frontend of our compiler makes a lot of concessions for the user writing code. Users don’t want to write out obvious metadata, like types, and the AST gets that. Any types they leave out, it’ll infer on their behalf. If the AST sees an error, it’s probably because the user wrote the code bad. It behooves us to tell them that, with a nice diagnostic.

All that falls away with the move to an IR. We are now much more concerned with representations that are helpful to the compiler, not the user. The IR sits between the frontend and machine code emission (hence the name intermediate). It exists to accommodate optimizations before being translated to machine code. To this end, our IR reifies metadata that would be a slog for users to write, like memory layout and calling conventions.

Alongside this shift, our mentality around errors changes. During lowering, we know our AST has successfully type checked. We’re guaranteed if we see something unexpected, it’s now due to an internal compiler error, not a user error. Accordingly, we no longer need the recoverable error handling of Result. When we encounter an error, we’ll immediately panic! (and maybe cry).

A panic indicates we have a bug in our compiler to fix. In practice, our compiler shouldn’t actually panic. It’s not like we’re going to write any bugs into our compiler. Robust compilers would perform more graceful error handling. But for our purposes, panicking suffices due to its simple implementation.

Enlightened with the right mindset, let’s delve into implementing lowering. Our pass is encapsulated by the lower function:

fn lower(
  ast: Ast<TypedVar>, 
  scheme: ast::TypeScheme
) -> (IR, Type) {

lower takes the output of our typechecker, an Ast<TypedVar> and a TypeScheme, and converts them into an IR and a Type respectively.

Our Intermediate Representation Link to heading

IR is the new tree datatype that represents our intermediate representation:

enum IR {
  Fun(Var, Box<Self>),
  App(Box<Self>, Box<Self>),
  TyFun(Kind, Box<Self>),
  TyApp(Box<Self>, Type),
  Local(Var, Box<Self>, Box<Self>),

IR looks almost exactly like our Ast. This is because our IR is based on System F . System F is another calculus, like the lambda calculus, often called the polymorphic lambda calculus. Named such because it is the lambda calculus plus two new nodes: type function and type application.

Given our AST is the lambda calculus, it makes a lot of sense our System F-based IR looks like Ast but with a few new nodes. As the name polymorphic lambda calculus implies, two of our new nodes deal with polymorphism:

  • TyFun - type function, a function that binds a type variable in a term.
  • TyApp - type application, applies a type to a type function to produce a term.

These nodes mirror Fun and App. Where functions take a term and produce a term, type functions take a type and produce a term. TyFun and TyApp work together to implement generics in our IR. Each type variable from our TypeScheme will become bound by a TyFun node in our IR.

Rather than normal names, like Var in Fun, our type variables use DeBruijn Indices . Using DeBruijn Indices allows us to efficiently check if two types are equal. Don’t worry if you don’t know what DeBruijn Indices are. We’ll discuss it more when we talk about our Types.

When we want to instantiate a generic, we use a TyApp to apply a type to our TyFun. Applying a type removes the TyFun node leaving us with the underlying term, but every instance of our bound type variable has been replaced by our applied type. App works the same way on Fun nodes for values.

Representing generics as nodes of our IR makes it very easy to see where polymorphism occurs. Correspondingly, it also makes it easy to see where it does not occur, which is invaluable for knowing when certain classes of optimizations apply. A lot has been said about System F; it’s well tread in the realm of theory. We won’t cover it here, but if you are interested check out:

Our use of System F is motivated by its handling of polymorphism. Its theoretical underpinnings are just a nice to have.

Our final new node, Local, is more bureaucratic in nature. You won’t find usages of Local here today. We’ll need it in future passes, so we add it now as future proofing. Local binds a value to a local variable allowing it to be referenced later in an expression. It’s like let from Rust.

We could represent Local using function nodes. Instead of having explicit locals, we could use a function and an application. A local such as IR::Local(x, <defn>, <body>) could be represented as IR::app(IR::fun(x, <body>), <defn>). The two behave identically.

The reason we don’t lies in optimization. While the two terms behave identically, we compile them differently. A Fun node represents a lambda (or closure). It might capture variables before being returned to God knows where. We’re on the hook to handle that possibility.

Not so for our humble Local. Because its local to the current definition, we don’t have to worry about capturing anything. Keeping them as different nodes in the tree makes it easy to distinguish their different use cases while compiling.

The next difference in our IR is variables. Var is similar to AST’s TypedVar:

struct Var {
  id: VarId,
  ty: Type,

We no longer have untyped variables so no need to distinguish them. VarId is our familiar integer counter:

struct VarId(u32);

It comes with all the usual uniqueness guarantees: all VarIds in a term are unique.

Explicitly Typed Link to heading

Our IR is noteworthy for being typed. Many IRs targeted by lowering are untyped. We’ve already checked that all the types line up. What’s the point of keeping them around? Part of this choice is motivated by our use of System F. TyFun and TyApp wouldn’t have a lot to do if we had no types. Another part of the decision is motivated by keeping me (and hopefully you) sane.

We’re going to be transforming our IR a lot in the coming compiler passes. Types allow us to sanity check that after we’ve mangled our IR it still means what we think it means. In writing the tests for lowering, type checking the IR has squashed bugs I introduced.

Fortunately for us, we don’t have to spend a lot of time type checking our IR. We already did the hard work of figuring out the types during unification. Our IR saves all the work unification did, so we can reconstruct types without having to do any inference.

Let’s take a look at our IR Type and see how we can quickly construct it for an IR term using type_of:

enum Type {
  Fun(Box<Self>, Box<Self>),
  TyFun(Kind, Box<Self>),

Type mirrors our Ast type with one new friend: TyFun. TyFun is the type of IR::TyFun, same as Fun is the type of IR::Fun. Instead of a type, it takes something called a Kind. Kind makes sure we’re passing the right kind of type to our TyFun. The same way types make sure we’re passing the right type of value to our Fun. Our usage of Kind will be quite boring:

enum Kind {

Every Type has kind Type. Later on this will be more interesting. We’ll introduce a Row kind. For now, rest easy knowing we can’t mess up our Kinds.

type_of() our IR Link to heading

Now that we know what Type looks like, we can construct it for our IR:

impl IR {
  fn type_of(&self) -> Type {
    match self {
      // ...

Our first two cases are simple:

IR::Var(v) => v.ty.clone(),
IR::Int(_) => Type::Int,

Int’s have type Int. Our IR Vars always have their type, thanks unification, so all we have to do is return it. Next up is functions:

IR::Fun(arg, body) => Type::fun(arg.ty.clone(), body.type_of()),
IR::TyFun(kind, body) => Type::ty_fun(*kind, body.type_of()),

Both function nodes are typed similarly. Use the type_of body and the argument to construct the respective function type. App is our first case that has to do some work to get a type:

IR::App(fun, arg) => {
  let Type::Fun(fun_arg_ty, ret_ty) = fun.type_of() else {
    panic!("ICE: IR used non-function type as a function")
  if arg.type_of() != *fun_arg_ty {
    panic!("ICE: Function applied to wrong argument type");

Because we know our code type checks, we can assume fun has a function type, and panic if it doesn’t. We can also assume our function’s fun_arg_ty is equal to type_of arg type, panicking when it’s not. If that all goes well, our App’s type is the return type of our function.

Type Equality Link to heading

It’s worth pausing for a moment to consider arg.type_of() != *fun_arg_ty in more depth. Before we talk about why that’s noteworthy, we need to set the scene. Our TyFun just takes a Kind, and not a TypeVar. Type functions exist to bind type variables, so it’s surprising that they don’t hold the type variable that they bind. IR::Fun holds the Var that it binds, why is Type::TyFun different? A less delicately designed IR might deploy a type function node such as: TyFun(TypeVar, Box<Self>).

This introduces an issue for type equality. To see the problem, consider two types foo and bar using this alternate TyFun:

let a = TypeVar(1493);
let foo = TyFun(a, Fun(Var(a), Var(a)));

let b = TypeVar(762);
let bar = TyFun(b, Fun(Var(b), Var(b)));

foo and bar are not equal because a does not equal b. But they should be. It’s true these type variables are syntactically different, but for all intents and purposes they are the same. We’d like to ignore this frivolous difference in names. Names only exist to track where we substitute types when we apply our type function.

a and b are substituted the same way in foo and bar, so foo and bar should be equal. We can TyApp any type to both foo and bar, and we always get equal types back. foo may not equal bar but TyApp(foo, Int) equals TyApp(bar, Int). That’s enough for us to consider their types equal. Equating things in this way is called alpha equivalence .

Ignoring this difference in names turns out to be tricky in practice. If we can find a substitution for our names to make two types equal, we know they’re alpha equivalent. We could solve a to b and update foo to replace all as with bsc. We could also solve b to a and update bar to replace all bs with as.

That sounds awful familiar. Where else do we try to find a substitution for our type variables to make things equal? Unification! That would just be unification in disguise. We were supposed to leave that behind in the type checker. You can make this approach work, albeit it’s expensive and error prone, but we want something faster for our type_of check.

Circling back around, our actual TyFun only holds a Kind because our TypeVars are represented by DeBruijn Indices . They are designed explicitly for checking alpha equivalence efficiently, albeit at the cost of legibility. If you’re unfamiliar with DeBruijn Indices, I’ve written about how they work here . For this article it’s important to know that we’re using them and that they make == fast. It informs how we lower our TypeScheme into our IR Type. With that tangent wrapped up, let’s return to our final case of type_of():

IR::TyApp(ty_fun, ty) => {
  let Type::TyFun(_, ret_ty) = ty_fun.type_of() else {
    panic!("ICE: Type applied to a non-forall IR term");


Like our sibling application, we assume ty_fun has type TyFun. Unlike App, we finish by calling subst on ret_ty. subst replaces every occurrence of the type variable bound by TyFun with ty. subst just takes a Type though, not the TypeVar that it should replace with ty. Because our types use DeBruijn Indices, we always know what type variable to substitute. subst always starts off replacing TypeVar(0). Which makes sense, there are no TyFun nodes between TyFun(_, ret_ty) and ret_ty.

We substitute ty for TypeVar(0) in ret_ty. But ret_ty itself may contain TyFun nodes. Fortunately, subst handles adjusting the TypeVar we’re substituting correctly in that case. We’re not going to cover the details of subst to save on time. Its implementation can be found in the full code .

We’ll make a pitstop to get the type_of locals but it won’t take long:

IR::Local(v, defn, body) => {
  if v.ty != defn.type_of() {
    panic!("ICE: Type mismatch local variable has different type from it's definition.")

We could be even briefer were we less interested in checking our assumptions. The type of Local is the type of its body. We don’t have to modify an environment for our v because all our Vars are already annotated with their Type.

With that we’ve completed our type_of() function. We’re talking about type_of() like it’s a type checker, but it’s really more of a lint. Nothing forces us to call type_of(). Our transformation passes could mangle IR however we like and simply not check type_of(). In fact, GHC has its own type_of(), as one of the few compilers using a typed IR, and they do precisely that. GHC enables type_of() for debugging builds but turns it if off for release builds. type_of() is far more lightweight than our actual type checker.

With that we’ve covered everything we need to know about lower–
What’s that?
We didn’t write a single line of code?
Our lower function is still a giant to-do?

fn lower(
  ast: Ast<TypedVar>, 
  scheme: ast::TypeScheme
) -> (IR, Type) {
  todo!("Remember me?")

Whelp, we don’t have time to fix that now. But next time we have our work cut out for us. We’ll use our new understanding of IR and Type to finally write some gosh darn code.