Last time we upgraded lower_ty_scheme to support rows and saw how we’d use it’s evidence to inform lower_ast. We’re getting to the heart of lowering rows this time: generating and applying our evidence terms.

Recall we left off our with a partially updated lower:

fn lower(ast: Ast<TypedVar>, scheme: ast::TypeScheme) -> (IR, Type) {
  let lowered_scheme = lower_ty_scheme(scheme);
  let mut supply = VarSupply::default();
  let mut params = vec![];
  let ev_to_var = lowered_scheme.ev_to_ty
    .map(|(ev, ty)| {
      let param =;
      let var = Var::new(param, ty);
      (ev, var)
  let mut lower_ast = LowerAst {
    types: lowered_scheme.lower_types,
    solved: vec![],
  let ir = lower_ast.lower_ast(ast);


Right on the cusp of lowering into lower_ast. But first, we have some new fields in LowerAst. One we know (ev_to_var) and one we do not (solved). We’ll find out how solved is used as we update lower_ast.

Quick Refresher

We’re going to be lowering our Row AST nodes, so let’s remind ourselves what those nodes are. We confront them in pairs, first is our Label and Unlabel nodes:

enum Ast<V> {
  // ... our base nodes
  // Label a node turning it into a singleton row
  Label(Label, Box<Self>),
  // Unwrap a singleton row into it's underlying value
  Unlabel(Box<Self>, Label),
  // ...

These nodes are responsible for transporting a normal AST into and out of a singleton row. Label wraps an Ast turning it into a row using the accompanying Label.

A Label, the type not the node, is just an alias for a String:

type Label = String;

Unlabel compliments Label. It takes a singleton row and unwraps it giving us back the value at the field specified.

After Label and Unlabel, we look at our nodes for product row types:

enum Ast<V> {
  // ...
  // Concat two products
  Concat(Option<Evidence>, Box<Self>, Box<Self>),
  // Project a product into a sub product
  Project(Option<Evidence>, Direction, Box<Self>),
  // ...

Concat takes two other product rows and merges them into a bigger product. This node is how we build records. Combined with Label, we can represent a record such as { x: 3, y: 42 } with Ast:

  Label("x", Int(3)),
  Label("y", Int(42))

Conversely, Project destructs a record. It takes in a larger record and returns a subset of that record. Returning to { x: 3, y: 42 }, Project could return any of { x: 3 }, { y: 42 }, {}, or even { x: 3, y: 42 }. We rely on type inference to determine the output of our Project.

Both these nodes contain an Option<Evidence>. This field is filled out by type checking. When type checking our Row nodes, we create a row constraint. We save this constraint in our Row node and turn it into Evidence when we substitute everything.

An Evidence is a bunch of Rows:

enum Evidence {
  RowEquation { 
    left: Row, 
    right: Row, 
    goal: Row 

Last, but not least, we have two nodes for sum row types. Again one to introduce them and one to destruct them:

enum Ast<V> {
  // ...
  // Inject a value into a sum type
  Inject(Option<Evidence>, Direction, Box<Self>),
  // Branch on a sum type to two handler functions
  Branch(Option<BranchMeta>, Box<Self>, Box<Self>),
  // ...

Inject takes a row and turns it into a bigger sum type. Like Project, it relies on type inference to determine the larger sum type. An Ast:

Inject(Label("A", Int(2)))

could be given any number of Sum types:

  • enum { A(Int) }
  • enum { A(Int), B(Int) }
  • enum { A(Int), B(Int), C(Int) }

Inject’s compliment Branch takes a Sum type apart. Branch takes two functions that handle smaller sum types, and combines them into a function that takes a bigger sum type. If we have a value of sum type enum { X(Int), Y(Int) }, we can branch on it with term:

  Fun(x, Unlabel("X", Var(x))),
  Fun(y, Unlabel("Y", Var(y))))

Our branch takes two functions. They take enum { X(Int) } and enum { Y(Int) } as input respectively. Both of them return an Int. Branch combines them into a function from enum { X(Int), Y(Int) } to Int.

Onto lower_ast Link to heading

lower_ast has the same usual shape:

impl LowerAst {
  fn lower_ast(
    &mut self, 
    ast: Ast<TypedVar>
  ) -> IR {
    match ast {
      // All our cases for the base AST...

We’ll start by adding cases for Label and Unlabel:

Ast::Label(_, body) => self.lower_ast(*body),
Ast::Unlabel(body, _) => self.lower_ast(*body),

These are trivial. Erase the labels and lower their bodies. Concat is where the action starts:

Ast::Concat(meta, left, right) => {
  let param = meta
    .map(|ev| self.lookup_ev(ev))
    .expect("ICE: Concat AST node lacks an expected evidence");

  let concat = IR::field(IR::Var(param), 0);
  let left = self.lower_ast(*left);
  let right = self.lower_ast(*right);
  IR::app(IR::app(concat, left), right)

Recall that our meta field is an instance of Option<ast::Evidence>. After type checking this field is always Some, so we can assume it’s present. We call lookup_ev on our meta, which returns a Var. We’ll come back to lookup_ev to lookup how it’s implemented in a moment.

The Var from lookup_ev is a lowered evidence term, so it has the big product type we saw in lower_ev_ty. We know the first field of that product type is the concat operation. We extract concat by wrapping our variable in a field access of the 0 index. To complete our lowering, we apply our lowered left and right to our evidence’s concat term.

We’ve essentially erased the Concat node. What was an explicit node of our Ast becomes a normal function call in our IR. In doing so, we’ve both reduced the language we have to compile and made it easier to execute our rows. I have no idea how to execute a Concat node, but computers have been executing functions since the Lisp machine.

Looking up lookup_ev Link to heading

Time to peek into lookup_ev to understand how we get a Var for our evidence:

770| fn lookup_ev(&mut self, ev: Evidence) -> Var {
...|   // Lookup the variable for our evidence.
835| }

Nothing surprising so far. Hang on, did we always have those line numbers? Why is it so many lines? It’s only a lookup function, isn’t it?

lookup_ev begins by querying ev_to_var for ev to see if it already has a variable:

fn lookup_ev(&mut self, ev: Evidence) -> Var {
    // ... more entry work

For our unsolved evidence, this is always the case thanks to the great work we did in lower_ty_scheme. Solved evidence, however, does not appear in the type scheme, so it won’t have a variable the first time we encounter it. Even worse, because the evidence is solved, we have an obligation to generate an actual IR term for it, not just a variable.

We do this lazily in lookup_ev. When we generate a term for a solved evidence, we bind it to a variable. We save that variable in ev_to_var, so we can reuse it moving forward. Rust’s Entry API makes this easy:

  .or_insert_with_key(|ev| {
    // We can generate our evidence here 
    // and it gets cached for free.

Inside or_insert_with_key we start by assuming our ev is solved. If it’s not, it should’ve appeared in our scheme and already have a variable:

let Evidence::RowEquation {
  left: ast::Row::Closed(left),
  right: ast::Row::Closed(right),
  goal: ast::Row::Closed(goal),
} = ev
else {
  panic!("ICE: Unsolved evidence appeared in AST that wasn't in type scheme");

We’ll also generate a fresh variable for our to be evidence term:

let param =;

After that we have some metadata to calculate about our rows. Lowered rows work with indices in place of labels. We know that our left and right row combine to form goal. But we don’t yet know which index of left (or right) maps to what index in goal.

We might, naively, assume that goal is all the left indices and then all the right indices: [left[0], left[1], ..., right[0], right[1], ...]. This isn’t the case because our rows are sorted lexicographically on their fields. We aren’t keeping the fields around, but before they go we use them to map our indices between left, right, and goal. Our mapping from fields to indices is calculated by iterating over goal’s fields:

let goal_indices = goal
  .map(|field| {
      .or_else(|_| {
      .expect("ICE: Invalid solved row combination.")

For each field in goal, we’re going to find the corresponding field in either left or right. We use a wrapper enum RowIndex to remember what we found:

enum RowIndex {

Because fields are sorted, we can use .binary_search to find the index of each field. At the end, goal_indices is a Vec<RowIndex>, but we can really think of it more like a Map<usize, RowIndex>. It maps each index of goal to its corresponding index in our sub Rows. After that we lower the values of each of our rows:

let left_values = self.types.lower_closed_row_ty(left.clone());
let right_values = self.types.lower_closed_row_ty(right.clone());
let goal_values = self.types.lower_closed_row_ty(goal.clone());

All of these combine to form a new helper struct LowerSolvedEv:

let lower_solved_ev = LowerSolvedEv {
  supply: &mut,
  left: left_values,
  right: right_values,
  goal: goal_values,

It offers one important method lower_ev_term:

let term = lower_solved_ev.lower_ev_term();

One important method: lower_ev_term Link to heading

lower_ev_term is the compliment to lower_ev_ty. It generates an IR term for the evidence we used to construct LowerSolvedEv:

fn lower_ev_term(mut self) -> IR {
    IR::tuple([self.prj_left(), self.inj_left()]),
    IR::tuple([self.prj_right(), self.inj_right()]),

Hopefully this looks familiar. It almost exactly parallels the result of lower_ev_ty but in place of Types we’re creating IRs.

Starting with concat Link to heading

Let’s look at how each operation gets generated starting with concat:

fn concat(&mut self) -> IR {
  let vars = self.make_vars([self.left_prod(), self.right_prod()]);

From lower_ev_ty, we know concat is a function taking left and right tuples and returning a goal tuple. Our first step in making that function is to make some variables for our function parameters. A slew of helper functions assist us in this humble task. We’ll take them one by one starting with left_prod.

left_prod creates a Type::Prod type from the Types of left:

fn left_prod(&self) -> Type {

It exists to save us keystrokes. As you might guess, right_prod does the same but for right:

fn right_prod(&self) -> Type {

I’ll let you in on a little secret. Before we’re done with lower_ev_term, we’re going to see goal_prod, left_sum, right_sum, and goal_sum as well. Left as an exercise for the reader to figure out what they create.

We made quick work of those two. The final helper on our list is make_vars. Now, normally we try to keep code simple around here. I’m a simple man. If it wasn’t for this blog’s meteoric success, you’d find me in the GitHub issues making furniture out of wood .

Which is all to say, I don’t show you the following code lightly:

fn make_vars<const N: usize>(&mut self, tys: [Type; N]) -> [Var; N] {|ty| {
    let id =;
    Var::new(id, ty)

Not only does make_vars make vars, it also makes use of a more advanced rust feature: Const Generics. We’ll only touch on Const Generics lightly here. Read about them in more detail at that link if you’re curious.

All they’re doing here is letting us take in an array of an arbitrary size [Type; N] and return an array of the same size [Var; N]. We could write this implementation just as easily in terms of Vec. We don’t because you can pattern match an array, and can’t pattern match a Vec.

On the implementation side, there isn’t much to look at. For each type we pass in, we generate a variable and return it. With that we return to concat and generate our function:

IR::funs(vars.clone(), {

IR::funs is like IR::fun but it supports multiple variables. We pass it our made vars to create a function of two parameters. The body of that function will be a tuple created by concatenating our inputs. Before we can construct the tuple, we need to figure out the element to put at each index:

let [left, right] = vars;
let mut elems = self.goal_indices.iter().map(|row_index| match row_index {
  RowIndex::Left(i) => unwrap_prj(*i, self.left.len(), left.clone()),
  RowIndex::Right(i) => unwrap_prj(*i, self.right.len(), right.clone()),

Our tuple represents the goal row, so we can figure out its elements by iterating over goal_indices. At each index, we either access an element of our left variable or right variable depending on row_index. unwrap_prj is another helper to create an IR::Field while handling an edge case around singleton rows:

fn unwrap_prj(
  index: usize, 
  len: usize, 
  prod: Var
) -> IR {
  unwrap_single(len, prod, |ir| IR::field(ir, index))

and unwrap_single is:

fn unwrap_single(
  len: usize, 
  var: Var, 
  else_fn: impl FnOnce(IR) -> IR
) -> IR {
  if len == 1 {
  } else {

Because we erase labels at this stage, a singleton row becomes indistinguishable from its underlying value. An Ast::Label("x", Ast::Int(3)) is lowered into IR::Int(3). This presents a problem for our projection. If we try to access the field of our lowered singleton row it’ll explode.

Fortunately, the paper has already foreseen this issue. Whenever we access a row, we first check if it’s a singleton. If it is, we return the value directly instead of accessing it. unwrap_single handles this logic for us, and unwrap_prj is a handy wrapper to always call unwrap_single with an IR::field.

So elems is an iterator over our field accesses (or values for singleton rows). We’re going to use that iterator to construct our final goal tuple:

if self.goal_indices.len() == 1 {
} else {

Except, we also have to check for singleton rows when we construct a tuple, not just when we index it. If our goal is a singleton row, we won’t bother constructing a tuple. We return the single value directly. Otherwise, we feed elems to IR::tuple to make a proper tuple.

At the end of all this, the IR generated for concat will look something like:

// We aren't super worried about the details.
// We just want a sense of the structure
let left = Var(...);
let right = Var(...);
IR::Fun(left, IR::Fun(right, IR::Tuple(vec![
  IR::Field(IR::Var(left), 0),
  IR::Field(IR::Var(right), 0),
  IR::Field(IR::Var(right), 1),
  IR::Field(IR::Var(left), 1)

We’ve made a custom spread operator tailored precisely to our two input rows left and right.

Undertaking branch generation Link to heading

Next on our list is branch which shares a high level shape with concat but has a more involved implementation.

fn branch(&mut self) -> IR {
  let left_sum = self.left_sum().shifted();
  let right_sum = self.right_sum().shifted();
  let goal_sum = self.goal_sum().shifted();
  let ret_ty = Type::Var(TypeVar(0));


First stop on branch is to prep the types we’ll need. We create Sum types for all of our rows. Recall from lower_ev_ty, that branch introduces a type variable for our return type. Because we introduce a TyFun, we have to shift our types that are nested within it. We introduce the variables we’ll need:

let vars = self.make_vars([
  Type::fun(left_sum.clone(), ret_ty.clone()),
  Type::fun(right_sum.clone(), ret_ty.clone()),

Like concat, we can think of branch as taking two things and returning a third. Unlike concat, those things are functions. Because of this and our support for currying, there’s no difference between returning a function and taking an extra parameter. They’re equivalent IR terms:

// Returning a function.
IR::Fun(left, IR::Fun(right, IR::Fun(goal, <body>)))
// Taking an extra parameter.
IR::Fun(left, IR::Fun(right, IR::Fun(goal, <body>)))

We’ll think of branch as taking two parameters and returning a value, but our term will look like it takes three values and returns ret_ty. With our vars at the ready, we can start laying down the structure of our term:

  IR::funs(vars.clone(), {

We introduce the ty_fun to bind our return type. We control how branch gets lowered, so we know we’ll only ever apply a type to branch. This makes it safe to assume our return type is Kind::Type. In fact, lowering a TypeScheme provides the only opportunity to produce a variable of Kind::Row.

Ultimately, we’re producing a function from goal_sum to ret_ty. We don’t have a lot of levers to pull to get a ret_ty. We can either call left, a function from left_sum to ret_ty, or call right, a function from right_sum to ret_ty. One impediment to calling either function is that our value of type goal_sum is not of type left_sum or right_sum

We resolve this using our new Case construct. branch will case our goal_sum value. In each Branch of this Case we’ll wrap our Branch’s value up as either a left_sum or right_sum and call the relevant function. Similar to elems from concat, each Branch will use goal_indices to determine if it should call left or right:

let [left_var, right_var, goal_var] = vars;
let goal_len = self.goal.len();
let mut branches = self
  .map(|row_index| {

Because we’re constructing a Branch (and not a Field), we need more metadata out of our RowIndex:

let (i, ty, len, var, sum) = match row_index {
  RowIndex::Left(i) => (
  RowIndex::Right(i) => (

We determine five things from RowIndex:

  • The index into left or right
  • The type at that index
  • The length of left or right (for unwrapping purposes)
  • The variable holding the function we need to call
  • The sum type of left or right

After collecting everything, we can build our Branch:

let [case_var] = self.make_vars([ty]);
IR::branch(case_var.clone(), {
      |ir| IR::tag(sum, i, ir)),

The value from our goal_sum is bound to case_var in the branch. Using unwrap_single, we wrap case_var as a new tagged value (handling our singleton edge case) using sum, i, and len from our RowIndex metadata. The freshly minted Tag is then applied to the function that we selected in var. Our branches iterator is used to construct the Case on our goal_var:

let mut branches = self
  .map(|row_index| {
    // ... excluded for space
if goal_len == 1 {
  IR::app(, IR::Var(goal_var))
} else {
  IR::case(ret_ty, IR::Var(goal_var), branches)

We have to consider the case when goal is a singleton here as well. If it is a singleton, we can’t construct a case. Our singleton goal isn’t a tagged value, it’s just a value. Instead, we turn our first, and only, branch into a function and pass goal_var to it directly.

We can be confident this will work, because if our goal is a singleton our sole branch must take an unwrapped value. The only way for our goal to be a singleton is either:

  • left is a singleton and right is empty
  • right is a singleton and left is empty

In both those cases our branch is working with a singleton Sum type. When goal isn’t a singleton, we construct a case normally using goal_var and branches. At the end of all this we’ll have generated a term like:

let left = Var(...);
let right = Var(...);
let goal = Var(...);
// Don't worry about the types here.
let case = Var(...);
  IR::Fun(left, IR::Fun(right, IR::Fun(goal,
    IR::Case(ret_ty, goal, vec![
      // Pretend branch is a tuple struct, so it's easier to write.
        IR::App(IR::Var(left), IR::Tag(left_sum, 0, IR::Var(case)))),
        IR::App(IR::Var(right), IR::Tag(right_sum, 0, IR::Var(case)))),
        IR::App(IR::Var(right), IR::Tag(right_sum, 1, IR::Var(case)))),
        IR::App(IR::Var(left), IR::Tag(left_sum, 1, IR::Var(case)))),

Parading around prj_left and prj_right Link to heading

Phew, that was a lot. Please tell me our prj and inj terms will be simpler. We test the waters with prj_left:

696| fn prj_left(&mut self) -> IR {
...|   todo!()
710| }

Huh, the line numbers are back. They look kinder this time though. You know maybe we can do this. Let’s see what’s inside:

let [goal] = self.make_vars([self.goal_prod()]);
let left_indices = self.left_indices();
IR::fun(goal.clone(), {
  if self.left.len() == 1 {
    unwrap_prj(left_indices[0], self.goal.len(), goal)
  } else {
        .map(|i| unwrap_prj(i, self.goal.len(), goal.clone())),

Finally, there’s nothing new – wait have we seen left_indices before?
… Dang.

prj_left is a function that turns a goal tuple into a left tuple. To accomplish this we have to know what indices of our goal tuple come from our left row, and where they end up in goal.

goal_indices maps each index of our goal row to its constituent’s index. left_indices does the inverse. left_indices maps every index in our left row to its index in goal. We can represent this without RowIndex because all our indices are in goal.

fn left_indices(&self) -> Vec<usize> {
  let mut left = self
    .filter_map(|(goal_index, row_index)| match row_index {
      RowIndex::Left(left_indx) => Some((*left_indx, goal_index)),
      _ => None,
  left.sort_by_key(|(key, _)| *key);
  left.into_iter().map(|(_, goal_index)| goal_index).collect()

The code walks over goal_indices, grabs every RowIndex::Left index, and then returns a vector of the goal indices sorted by the left indices. If our goal_indices is: vec![RowIndex::Left(0), RowIndex::Right(0), RowIndex::Left(2), RowIndex::Left(1)], our left_indices would be: vec![0, 3, 2]. That’s our only new helper though, with that out of the way we can talk about the heart of prj_left:

IR::fun(goal.clone(), {
  if self.left.len() == 1 {
    unwrap_prj(left_indices[0], self.goal.len(), goal)
  } else {
        .map(|i| unwrap_prj(i, self.goal.len(), goal.clone())),

prj_left’s implementation shares a lot with concat. It’s a function of a single parameter mapping goal to left. If left is a singleton, we don’t build a tuple and return our first index into goal. Otherwise, we construct a tuple from field accesses of our goal parameter.

It is with great relief that I tell you, prj_right has no more suprises:

fn prj_right(&mut self) -> IR {
  let [goal] = self.make_vars([self.goal_prod()]);
  let right_indices = self.right_indices();
  IR::fun(goal.clone(), {
    if self.right.len() == 1 {
      unwrap_prj(right_indices[0], self.goal.len(), goal)
    } else {
          .map(|i| unwrap_prj(i, self.goal.len(), goal.clone())),

We may not know precisely what right_indices is, but it’s the compliment of left_indices. We have a pretty good idea. right_indices produces a Vec that maps indices of our right row to their index in goal. Aside from that, prj_right looks just like prj_left but…on the right.

Intuiting inj_left and inj_right Link to heading

Rounding us out are inj_left and inj_right. These functions take a left or right sum type and inject it into the goal sum type. We’re working with sum types again but unlike branch, these are just sum types, not functions. Even so, we’ll still need Cases starting with inj_left:

fn inj_left(&mut self) -> IR {
  let [left_var] = self.make_vars([self.left_sum()]);
  IR::fun(left_var.clone(), {
    let branches = self
      .map(|(i, ty)| {
        let [branch_var] = self.make_vars([ty]);
        IR::branch(branch_var.clone(), {
          unwrap_single(self.goal.len(), branch_var, |ir| {
            IR::tag(self.goal_sum(), i, ir)
    if self.left.len() == 1 {
      IR::app(branches[0].as_fun(), IR::Var(left_var))
    } else {
      IR::case(self.goal_sum(), IR::Var(left_var), branches)

inj_left is a function taking in left_sum value. We case match on that value and each branch of our case unwraps the tagged value and rewraps it as a goal tagged value. Generating these branches requires not only the left_indices but also the type of the value at each index. This is the job of left_enumerated_values():

fn left_enumerated_values(
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, Type)> {

The scariest part of this function is its return type. All it does is zip left_indices together with our types self.left. Correctly constructing the variable for our branch relies on that type:

.map(|(i, ty)| {
  let [branch_var] = self.make_vars([ty]);
  IR::branch(branch_var.clone(), {
    unwrap_single(self.goal.len(), branch_var, |ir| {
      IR::tag(self.goal_sum(), i, ir)

Because our output is another Sum type, all our branch body needs to do is construct a tagged value using the index i. Capping us off, like branch, we handle a possible singleton row and construct our Case:

if self.left.len() == 1 {
  IR::app(branches[0].as_fun(), IR::Var(left_var))
} else {
  IR::case(self.goal_sum(), IR::Var(left_var), branches)

inj_right is the spitting image of inj_left:

fn inj_right(&mut self) -> IR {
  let [right_var] = self.make_vars([self.right_sum()]);
  IR::fun(right_var.clone(), {
    let branches = self
      .map(|(i, ty)| {
        let [branch_var] = self.make_vars([ty]);
        IR::branch(branch_var.clone(), {
          unwrap_single(self.goal.len(), branch_var, |ir| {
            IR::tag(self.goal_sum(), i, ir)
    if self.right.len() == 1 {
      IR::app(branches[0].as_fun(), IR::Var(right_var))
    } else {
      IR::case(self.goal_sum(), IR::Var(right_var), branches)

Again we’ll rely on our powers of imagination to tell us what right_enumerated_values does. With that we’ve completed all our evidence operations. We now know how to lower evidence into a – large – IR term.

Finishing up lookup_ev Link to heading

After that long excursion, we return to lookup_ev triumphantly:

fn lookup_ev(&mut self, ev: Evidence) -> Var {
    .or_insert_with_key(|ev| {
      // ...previous work
      let term = lower_solved_ev.lower_ev_term();


Even better there’s not much left to see:

let ty = self.types.lower_ev_ty(ev.clone());
let var = Var::new(param, ty);
self.solved.push((var.clone(), term));

The type of our evidence, paired with our VarId param, constructs a fresh variable var. We save var with our generated term in our solved vector and return var as the entry for ev_to_var. What a relief we won’t have to do this all over again next time we see this evidence.

Back in lower_ast Link to heading

Popping the stack one more time, we look upon lower_ast with a new appreciation for all the work behind lookup_ev. We’ll pick back up with our next case Branch:

Ast::Branch(meta, left, right) => {
  let meta = meta.expect("ICE: Branch AST node lacks expected meta");

Our branch meta isn’t just an ast::Evidence. It contains both an ast::Evidence and a Type. We know what to do with the evidence. Look it up to get our term:

let param = self.lookup_ev(meta.evidence);

Our meta’s Type is the return type of our branch operation:

let ret_ty = self.types.lower_ty(meta.ty);
let branch = IR::ty_app(IR::field(IR::Var(param), 1), TyApp::Ty(ret_ty));

Once we’ve type applied our branch, we lower left and right and pass them:

let left = self.lower_ast(*left);
let right = self.lower_ast(*right);
IR::app(IR::app(branch, left), right)

That’s all for our Branch case. Next up is Project:

Ast::Project(meta, direction, body) => {
  let param = meta
    .map(|ev| self.lookup_ev(ev))
    .expect("ICE: Project AST node lacks an expected evidence");

  let term = self.lower_ast(*body);
  let direction_field = match direction {
    ast::Direction::Left => 2,
    ast::Direction::Right => 3,
  let prj_direction = 
  IR::app(prj_direction, term)

Same idea as concat and branch. The one hiccup is Project has a direction Left or Right. Based on direction we need to get either the second or third element of our evidence term. From there we always access index 0 to retrieve prj.

Inject is the same, but we retrieve index 1 instead of 0 at the end:

Ast::Inject(meta, direction, body) => {
  let param = meta
    .map(|ev| self.lookup_ev(ev))
    .expect("ICE: Inject AST node lacks an expected evidence");

  let term = self.lower_ast(*body);
  let direction_field = match direction {
    ast::Direction::Left => 2,
    ast::Direction::Right => 3,
  let inj_direction = 
  IR::app(inj_direction, term)

A hero’s return Link to heading

That’s all our new cases in lower_ast. We have one more stop in lower to polish off our additions, and then we’re done.

fn lower(
  ast: Ast<TypedVar>, 
  scheme: ast::TypeScheme
) -> (IR, Type) {
  // ...Everything up to lower_ast
  let ir = lower_ast.lower_ast(ast);
  let solved_ir = lower_ast
    .fold(ir, |ir, (var, solved)| IR::local(var, solved, ir));

Each evidence we solved during lower_ast gets bound as a local variable. Each unsolved evidence gets turned into a function parameter:

let param_ir = params
  .rfold(solved_ir, |ir, var| IR::fun(var, ir));

Last, but not least, we wrap our term in its type functions:

let bound_ir = lowered_scheme
  .fold(param_ir, |ir, kind| IR::ty_fun(kind, ir));

We have to be more careful about this now that we have two Kinds. kinds from lowered_scheme ensures we create our ty_funs in the right order.

(bound_ir, lowered_scheme.scheme)

With that we bring our trilogy to a close. Our rows are finally low. Lowering base had me worried that Ast was going to copyright strike IR. Lowering rows has assured me this is transformative content. At this stage we really start to see how our IR diverges from Ast and is one abstraction level lower. Next on our list is handling items, hopefully it goes better than our previous brush .