Last time , we lowered types/base into our IR. That was exciting, but I professed some anxieties that all we had really done is swap an Ast:: prefix for an IR:: prefix. Today, we’re going to assuage those concerns by lowering types/rows . A more seismic lowering. Recall that row types provide data types for our language. Rows are great in the surface language and the type checker but start to lose their luster once we need to represent them in memory.

A naive implementation of rows represents them as HashMaps or some kind of associated array at runtime. This has the advantage of being very easy to compile, and the disadvantage of now your rows are hashmaps at runtime. Were this a series on runtimes that might satisfy us, but this is a series on compiling. There must be a way we can compile our way to a tighter memory representation.

Fortunately, the boundless wellspring of knowledge Abstracting Extensible Datatypes has a lot to say about lowering rows and nothing to say about runtime rows. They lower rows into a System F based calculus – hey that’s just like us! – but with some additions for data. Not to say the prim IR::Int isn’t data, but we’re going to need some more help to handle rows.

On their recommendation, we add two new constructs to our IR: tuples and tagged values. Coming from Rust, we’re familiar with tuples. If you’ve somehow made it six parts deep into this series without knowing Rust, my congratulations and condolences, you’re a real one. Have a link as a prize.

We’ve also seen tagged values in Rust but under a different name: enum. A tagged value is a value stored alongside an integer that tags the value with an enum variant. We can think of it like a tuple: (tag, value). Rust represents enums as tagged values under the hood (barring layout optimizations ).

Lowering rows is going to map our Prod and Sum rows of Ast onto the tuples and tagged values of IR. The astute among us may have noticed tuples and tagged values don’t look anything like rows. Rows have fields and can be concatenated and projected, branched or injected. Tuples can’t do any of that; they just kind of sit there…in order.

Row Lowering Techniques Link to heading

The paper is well aware that rows look nothing like tuples. It employs two techniques to resolve the discrepancy during lowering: Evidence Passing and Label Erasure. These two techniques allow us to convert rows into the simpler tuples/tagged values while maintaining the row operations we love. At the end of lowering, we’ll perform the same row operations (concat, branch, etc) but on our tuples and tagged values.

Our first technique, evidence passing, has a long tradition in the world of compiling. Any language with a trait-like feature (Rust, Haskell, Swift, etc.) represents traits as evidence that are inevitably passed around. If you’ve heard of dictionary passing from Haskell, this is evidence passing for type classes. Swift even uses evidence passing for memory management . Each swift type has evidence for moving, cloning, and destructing itself that gets passed around.

With that pedigree, we’re assured to be standing on strong foundations. Evidence passing has been battled tested in real compilers. We’re simply yoinking and twisting it to work for rows.

The crux of evidence passing centers around unsolved constraints in the type checker. As we saw while type checking rows, unsolved row constraints get turned into evidence during generalization and put in the type scheme. Anything that calls our item is now responsible for solving that evidence and passing it to us. In the type checker, this is done implicitly with instantiation. In lowering, it becomes more literal.

We create an actual IR term that represents each piece of evidence. If our type checker solves a row combination, lowering is going to generate an IR term for that solved evidence. Unsolved evidence in our type scheme is going to become an extra function parameter of the IR term lower produces. Where the type checker instantiates and solves a constraint, lowering is going to generate an IR term and pass it as a function argument.

This mirrors our introduction of type functions in spirit. When we lowered base, a big part of our shift was introducing term nodes to represent what was previously purely type information. Evidence passing is a natural progression along this path. Not only are we representing type information in our terms, our generated evidence terms affect our final IR term’s behavior.

Our second technique, label erasure, is more modest but equally important. Labels are critical to accurately type checking rows, but we no longer need them in lowering. We’ll remove the labels from all our rows and our Ast. While we’re erasing the labels themselves, we keep an important property they provide. The order of values in our rows. Labels order our rows, and we’ll preserve that in lowering but using indices instead of labels.

After erasing labels, a row is just a vector of types. This maps naturally onto our target data representation:

  • As a tuple, our vector represents the type of the field at each index.
  • As a tagged value, our vector represents the type of value at each tag.

Machines are great at numbers and awful at words, ignore machine words please, so this is great lowering.

Bird’s Eye View of our Work Link to heading

Our newfound familiarity with our two tools, evidence passing and label erasure, allows us to paint the high level picture of row lowering. During type checking, our Row AST nodes all save an evidence in themselves:

  • Concat
  • Branch
  • Project
  • Inject

That evidence is a row combination telling us how to combine left and right rows to form a goal row. From that evidence, we’re going to generate an IR term that implements the behavior of each AST node for the row combination.

When we encounter one of these AST nodes while lowering, we’ll grab its generated operation out of the corresponding evidence term. A call to the generated operation will replace our row node. By the end of this process, we’ll have erased all our Row AST nodes and be left with IR terms that work in terms of the generated operations.

That sounds great but is pretty abstract. What does the generated term for evidence look like? Each evidence needs to provide an implementation for our 4 row nodes. We’re already adding tuples to our IR, so we’ll use a 4 field tuple to hold each operation.

Recall Project and Inject have a direction: Left or Right. We’ll account for this by having two versions of each in our generated term. We’ll nest our directed operations in their own tuples rather than flatten them out. The overall layout for our evidence term will be:

( <concat impl>
, <branch impl>
, (<project left impl>, <inject left impl>)
, (<project right impl>, <inject right impl>)

Each impl within our term is an IR function that performs its row operation. We’re getting closer, but what do our implementation functions look like? Let’s walk through an example to clarify. We’ll generate the term for evidence:

Evidence::RowEquation {
  left: Row::Closed(ClosedRow {
    fields: vec!["a", "d"],
    values: vec![Type::Int; 2],
  right: Row::Closed(ClosedRow {
    fields: vec!["b", "c"],
    values: vec![Type::Int; 2],
  goal: Row::Closed(ClosedRow {
    fields: vec!["a", "b", "c", "d"],
    values: vec![Type::Int; 4],

The types aren’t super important here, so we’ll use Type::Int for everything. What we want to focus on is how the fields guide the indices used in the generated term.

I’m not going to write out the IR instance itself. It would be too long to be legible. Instead, we’ll use Rust syntax to convey the idea. Our first generated operation is concat:

fn concat(
  left: (Int, Int), 
  right: (Int, Int)
) -> (Int, Int, Int, Int) {
  (left[0], right[0], right[1], left[1])

concat concatenates two product types, so we’re working with tuples. We take in a tuples representing our left and right rows and return a tuple representing goal. The order of the fields in our goal tuple is important.

We might expect our output to be: (left[0], left[1], right[0], right[1]). This would ignore the order of our fields. We order our left and right index operations based on the fields in our evidence even though we erase them in the actual implementation. Since left is ["a", "d"], it appears at the start and end of the tuple because that’s where a and d appear in goal’s fields.

Rust does not support the anonymous Sum types of our rows types. We’ll introduce some enums for our example instead but remember they’ll actually be anonymous Sum types:

enum Left {

enum Right {

enum Goal {

With those enums, we define our branch operation:

fn branch<T>(
  left: fn(Left) -> T, 
  right: fn(Right) -> T, 
) -> impl Fn(Goal) -> T {
  move |goal| match goal {
    Goal::A(x) => left(Left::A(x)),
    Goal::B(x) => right(Right::B(x)),
    Goal::C(x) => right(Right::C(x)),
    Goal::D(x) => left(Left::D(x)),

branch is more involved than concat because rather than working on values directly it works on functions. branch takes two functions fn(Left) -> T and fn(Right) -> T and combines them into a third function fn(Goal) -> T. Returning our function requires a closure so in Rust we spell it impl Fn(Goal) -> T. In our language this will be a normal IR::Fun node. We don’t differentiate between closures and functions.

Because we don’t know what type our left and right function return, we use a type variable to make sure all three functions return the same type, whatever it is. From there, the implementation:

  • matches on our Goal enum.
  • Unwraps the enum in each branch and rewraps it as either Left or Right.
  • Dispatches to left or right with the rewrapped enum.

Just like concat our branches are ordered based on the order of fields found in our evidence.

Next, our project functions take a goal tuple and constructs either the left or right tuple. prj_left is responsible for the left tuple:

fn prj_left(
  goal: (Int, Int, Int, Int)
) -> (Int, Int) {
  (goal[0], goal[3])

Again the fields guide us. Because left is ["a", "d"], we use the indexes of a and d in goal to build our tuple here. We see something similar in prj_right which is responsible for the right tuple:

fn prj_right(
  goal: (Int, Int, Int, Int)
) -> (Int, Int) {
  (goal[1], goal[2])

Our inject functions are similar to project but work in the opposite direction. They take a Left or Right enum and construct a Goal enum from it. Unlike branch, they work directly on values. inj_left takes our Left enum:

fn inj_left(left: Left) -> Goal {
  match left {
    Left::A(x) => Goal::A(x),
    Left::D(x) => Goal::D(x),

Unsurprisingly, inj_right takes our Right enum:

fn inj_right(
  right: Right
) -> Goal {
  match right {
    Right::B(x) => Goal::B(x),
    Right::C(x) => Goal::C(x),

Finally, our evidence term is all of those functions collected in a big tuple:

( concat
, branch
, (prj_left, inj_left)
, (prj_right, inj_right)

Again, we’ve used Rust syntax here, but the actual implementation will be generating terms of IR that fulfill this behavior. They will be… sizable. They have to be ready to handle any row operation we throw at them after all. In practice, however, we’ll only ever need one of these operations at a time. When we’re lowering a Concat node, we can grab our implementation out of the 0th index of our term and throw away the rest.

Row IR Nodes Link to heading

We understand enough now to get into our implementation. We’ll start with the new nodes we need in our data types before moving onto modifying lower. For IR, we’re adding support for tuples and tagged values:

enum IR {
  // Our previous cases...
  // Create a product type.
  // Select a field out of a product.
  Field(Box<Self>, usize),
  // Create a sum type.
  Tag(Type, usize, Box<Self>),
  // Case match on a sum.
  Case(Type, Box<Self>, Vec<Branch>),

We have nodes for constructing our new values: Tuple and Tag. But we also need nodes for taking them apart: Field and Case. In our example Rust code, we use [0] and match; these are Field and Case respectively. Our Case does not have the same fancy pattern matching of Rust’s match. It just dispatches to a Branch based on the tag in its scrutinee.

A Branch is:

struct Branch {
  param: Var,
  body: IR,

This looks the same as a Fun node. We use a different node, rather than Case having a list of Funs, to make the optimizers job easier. As a functional language, we’re very interested in optimizing Fun nodes. We do not want to accidentally apply any of those optimizations to Branch.

Another note, our Tag and Case both have a Type member. For Tag, this Type remembers the full Sum type of our Tag. Given a tagged value IR::Tag(..., 0, IR::Int(343)) it could be a member of any number of Sum types. But for any particular tagged value, the type checker figured out a specific Sum type. We save that type in IR::Tag, so we can reconstruct types.

Case stores a Type to remember its return type. It is not always obvious what the return type of Case will be. For example, what is the return type of:

match an_enum {

With no branches to guide us it could be any type. One might question our premise, but it will come up when we generate evidence that contains an empty row. While this is a problem in general, the type checker will have figured out the return type for any particular Case (or we have a type error). So an easy resolution is to save the return type from type checking in our Case.

Row Type Nodes Link to heading

After our additions to IR, we have additions to Type:

enum Type {
  // Our base types...

Products are the type of IR::Tuple. Sums are the type of IR::Tag. After the four nodes we added to IR, two feels like a bargain. That is until we crack open Row:

enum Row {

Huh, it feels like we just added four new types with extra steps. Either way, since we’re erasing labels a Closed row becomes a Vec<Type>. Instead of the separate RowVar used during type checking, open rows are represented using TypeVar in our IR. We differentiate a type TypeVar from a row TypeVar using our new Kind:

enum Kind {

Now we can mess up our kinds if we’re not careful. Hooray! As a consequence of Row and its new Kind, we have to make a small addendum to TyApp in IR:

enum IR {
  // ...
  TyApp(Box<Self>, TyApp),
  // ...

Instead of taking a Type, it now takes a TyApp:

enum TyApp {

TyApp exists solely for passing either a Type or a Row to TyApp. The ability to apply a Row to a type function opens up a new possibility: substituting a Row for a TypeVar. We’ll modify our subst function to support Row behind the camera . While we’re taking care of bookkeeping, we need to update type_of to handle our new additions. Now that we’re familiar with type_of, these updates are not particularly interesting. You can find them in the full code .

We’ve covered a lot of ground. We know what we have to do, and we’ve prepared our IR and Type for the rows ahead. But we still have a lot to do. Next time , we’ll use our additions to lower evidence in our type scheme.